
Concealed Carry in Washington State

Washington State actually has a very straightforward concealed carrying licensing regime.  But if you are looking for our Constitutional Carry provisions, they don't exist.   Washington is a “shall issue” state and there are time limit in which the State must issue you the license.  Washington also provides for a Concealed Pistol License for out of state residents as well.  

You must possess a valid Concealed Pistol license in order to carry concealed on your person, or to carry a loaded handgun in your automobile.  For all of Washington's concealed carry laws, and how to apply for a CPL, check out the following statutes. 

How to Get a Concealed Pistol License in Washington State.

It's pretty straightforward, check it out.  

Concealed Pistol License Reciprocity.

Washington is not too good in this department.  

Out of State Concealed Carry Licenses?

Yes, the very same law that creates concealed pistol licenses for Washington residents, also permits them for out of state individuals.  The only difference is that the State has up to 60 days to issue you that license. 

Obtaining / Purchasing a Firearm in Washington State.

Washington has some very specific laws related to how you can purchase or acquire firearms, who can acquire firearms, and what is needed to purchase or receive firearms.

Aiming or Discharging Firearms, and Other Dangerous Weapons

While it should go without saying that one should not discharge a firearm unless absolutely necessary, there are state laws which can create additional criminal liabilities.  

Dangerous Exhibitions of Weapons.  

Unlawful Display of a Firearm or Other Weapon.

Perhaps no one case is more prevalent to Washington Gun Law, than the unlawful display of a firearm or other dangerous weapon. The law's application will greatly depend on the evidence proved at trial.  The statute reads

Waiting Periods

Yes, Washington has 10-day mandatory waiting periods for all firearms.  There is also mandatory education that must be completed before a gun store may sell you a firearm.  

Background Checks

Effective January 1, 2024, all background checks, related to fireams purchases in Washington State will be conducted through the Washington State Patrol's background check program.  
A background check will ALWAYS be conducted on you when purchasing a firearm in Washington state.  
IMPORTANT:  You will also waive certain confidential information when you apply to purchase a firearm.  

Waiver of Confidentiality.

Please remember, anytime you apply for a concealed pistol license or even attempt to purchase a firearm in Washington state, you have waived any medical privilege as to any records which may be relevant to the determination of your eligibility.  And your medical professional MUST comply with those record requests.  

All State Agencies Immune.

Yes, Washington law does not permit you to sue any agency, even if they have wrongfully denied you a firearms permit.

How Gun Stores Must Operate in Washington State

Here are all the state laws governing how FFLs (Gun Stores) must operate in Washington State.  

Pawn Shops / Firearms as Collateral  

Purchasing Firearms Out of State

While there are several Federal laws that will govern what, if anything, you can purchase out of state, there are state laws that govern this as well.  

Gun Registries in Washington State.

Doesn't Federal law clearly prohibit the creation of gun registries?  Yes, it does.  Think Washington state does not have a gun registry?  Think again, the State Department of Licensing does, by law, keep records on certain firearms purchases and the owners.  

Reporting by DOL to ATF and Others.
For the FFLs.  Did you know that once a year, the State of Washington is required to report all data related to any and all FFLs operating inside the State? 
And they have to report you to the ATF if you violate any rule or law.  

Recurring Background Checks. 

Gun Owners.  Did you know that the State of Washington, by law, is required to run every known gun owner (like they don't have a registry) to ensure that they are still lawfully allowed to possess a firearm.  While we are pretty sure that no aspect of this law has ever been enacted, the applicable statutory requirements read  

State Makes All Gun Laws.

No city or county can make its own gun laws.  The law specifically states

Bearing Arms Is Your Right, Protecting Your Family Is Your Responsibility.

In order to truly protect those you love, you must know all your rights, responsibilities and obligations as a gun owner. We have nearly 20 years dealing with firearms matters and the answer to nearly every question you may have is right here.

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