
Forfeiture of Firearms.  

There are many ways in which you can be ordered by a Court to forfeit your firearms.  This can be done even if you have not been convicted of a crime that for would forfeit your Second Amendment Rights, or before you are convicted of any crime at all.  
For more information about Washington's firearms forfeiture law,  

Frames and Receivers.

Looking to buy a frame or receiver in Washington State?  Looking to by an 80% lower in Washington State?

Obtaining an Unfinished Frame/Receiver in Washington State

The sale, offer for sale and importation of 80% lowers is illegal in Washington state.

Adding a Serial Number to an Unfinished Frame/Receiver

Yes, Washington law does permit you to take an unfinished receiver to an FFL, who would then serialize it, and return to you, after of course you clear a background check and undergo the waiting period.  

Serial Numbers / Identifying Marks.

You cannot alter or obliterate any serial number on any firearm.  Period.

Coyote Getters.  Yes, there is a law for that.

Other Dangerous Weapons 
Exceptions for law enforcement, firefighters and military.  

Unlawful Firearms.  

Washington state has, unfortunately, banned many platforms of firearms or in other instances significantly restricted them.  
Possession of any of the following weapons is illegal under Washington law.  And in some instances, merely having parts which are designed to be components of a banned firearm in Washington state also constitutes criminal conduct.  

The Use of Banned Items in the Commission of a Crime.

The possession of automatic weapons is illegal under Washington law except is some very limited circumstances.  Using a banned item in the commission of a crime is a very serious violation in Washington state.  

Untraceable and Undetectable Firearms.

The difference between an untraceable and an undetectable firearm is that an undetectable firearm is based upon what it is made of, while an untraceable firearm deals with whether that firearm contains a serial number or not.  You can see the actual definitions here.  
The possession and manufacture of these items is illegal in almost all circumstances.  Additional restrictions include

Bearing Arms Is Your Right, Protecting Your Family Is Your Responsibility.

In order to truly protect those you love, you must know all your rights, responsibilities and obligations as a gun owner. We have nearly 20 years dealing with firearms matters and the answer to nearly every question you may have is right here.

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