Arm Yourself with Education

Arm Yourself With Education

Washington Gun Law is a comprehensive resource for the lawful and responsible gun owner, not only in Washington State, but nationwide. The world is becoming an ever more dangerous place and local and state governments are not doing much to help the cause. It's time you realize that you are on your own First Responder. And although we have an inalienable right os self-preservation, it is a right that carries with it great responsibility. This is where you can educate yourself so that you will always be the lawful and responsible gun owner.

The Right To Bear Arms

“A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

U.S. Constitution, 2nd Amendment

The right of the individual citizen to bear arms in defense of himself, or the state, shall not be impaired, but nothing in this section shall be construed as authorizing individuals or corporations to organize, maintain or employ an armed body of men.”

Article 1, Sec. 24, Washington State Constitution

Despite the clarity and simplicity of these words, Washington state prosecutors try to send law-abiding citizens to jail all the time simply because they legally owned or carried a firearm. Whether protecting your right to defend yourself or simply being caught at the wrong place at the wrong time while legally carrying a firearm, you can be charged with serious crimes that could affect your future, including your personal freedom.

For that reason, it is imperative that you understand all laws related to the use and carry of firearms as well as all applicable self defense laws. Since these laws vary from state to state, it will always be your responsibility to know the applicable laws regardless of your location. Let Washington Gun Law educate you so that you are always armed with education.

Interested in a Gun Trust or Need to Get Your Firearms Rights Restored?

Learn More About Gun Trusts
Get Your Firearms Rights Back

Current Legislation Regarding Washington State Gun Laws

The Washington State Legislature has passed a litany of new gun laws in recent years. If you are looking for specific Washington State gun laws, click here. Below is a list of current litigation involving a variety of recent Washington gun laws.

Current Bills in Olympia

Limiting Purchases
New Safe Storage Laws
License to Purchase
Mandatory Insurance
Ammo and Firearm Tax
Assisting with Restoration of Rights
Allowing for NICS Background Checks
New Gun Free Zones
Kill the FFL 2.0

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Know Your Rights, Know Your Responsibilities

Ignorance of the law is NOT a defense. All gun owners know their rights when it comes to owning, possessing and using firearms. But equally important is knowing your responsibilities and obligations as a gun owner. The types of firearms you can possess. Where you can carry firearms. Where you can shoot your firearms. How you can sell your firearms. When can you use force. When can you use deadly force. Each of these are critical pieces of knowledge for the responsible gun owner. Don't guess at the answers. We have nearly 20 years dealing with firearms matters and the answer to nearly every question you may have is right here.

Watch Washington Gun Law President, William Kirk On Stand Your Ground Laws.

Have a Specific Question? Bet We Have a Video on That:

Bearing Arms Is Your Right, Protecting Your Family Is Your Responsibility.

In order to truly protect those you love, you must know all your rights, responsibilities and obligations as a gun owner. We have nearly 20 years dealing with firearms matters and the answer to nearly every question you may have is right here.

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We are committed to answering your questions about your gun rights

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